(619) 787-6376

Practice Playlists

If you're inspired to practice your dancing at home, it's helpful to have the appropriate style of music for what you're learning. So, we've created some playlists to make it easier for you to find the right dancing music.

These lists can also help you learn to identify the dance style appropriate for a given song. For beginners this can be a tricky challenge. The more music you listen to, the faster you'll be at identifying an appropriate dance style for a song.

If you're learning to dance for your wedding, practicing to songs that are a similar style to your first dance song can help insure that you don't end up overplaying your song before the big day.


We currently have practice playlists available on Spotify under the profile name "DancingTogether".

To use Spotify, you must first download the app onto your device or use the web browser on your computer and create an account. You do not need a paid account - you can play our playlists for free - but some features of Spotify will be disabled unless you have a paid account.

Link to Dancing Togetherpractice  playlists on Spotify
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